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It is well recognised that in our modern society that people are moving less.  Taking the time to consider the changes that have contributed to our movement demise can help you with your daily choices.

Many modern conveniences and changes have made for a much easier and fuller life… so it is not about saying we should live without these conveniences but more we need to understand and recognise how these changes have influenced our daily choices and movement patterns.

The degree and impact of these changes will vary for individuals, regions, cultures, and socioeconomic status, however for most of us our lifestyles and our associated movement has been impacted by these changes.

Change in the foods we eat, how we source the food, its perparation and availability.

The availability of convenience & fast foods has impacted society in multiple ways. The prevalence and availability of convenience food has resulted in a reduction of us growing and preparing our own food.  This also has lead to a major dietry change contributing to an increased calorie consumption, which has resulted in a society wide weight gain and obesity issue that also effects motivation and individuals comfort to move.

Change in our work patterns, specialisation and the spaces we work in.

Many people are working longer hours. Those hours are often spent in office settings where they sit for long periods at desks and/or in front of computers.  Specialisation of the work force, often involves individuals becoming skilled at and repeating a task. This results in many individuals having a reduced variation in daily movements.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a rise in remote work that has also contributed to a reduction in physical activity for those who no longer need to commute to work.

Change to a widespread adoption of technology.

There have been many technology advances that have impacted the amount we move and contributed to a more sedentary lifestyle.

Smartphones, computers, and entertainment systems, have led to more screen time, video gaming, and social media use. The availability of on-demand streaming services, gaming consoles, and other sedentary entertainment options has led to more time spent indoors engaging in activities that do not require physical movement.

Many in home conveniences such as the dishwasher and robot vacuums have lead to us moving less in our day/in our week.

The car, and how we utilise it, has enabled urbanization of societies that has lead to a reliance on cars and public transportation, reducing the need for walking or cycling for daily commuting. We expect to be able to drive from home to our destination and park close by if not right outside.

Urban environments can often lack green spaces and recreation areas, further limiting opportunities for physical activity.

Changes to  our safety.

One of the primary needs for us to participate in any type of activity is to feel safe. Unfortunately there is decreasing perception of our safety in some environments such as green spaces in the dark or urban streets with poor lighting thus reducing the accessibility for us to move through these areas safely.

Last words…

There is a distinct connection between these changes and their contribution to a reduction in physical movement.

To support your movement in some instances it may mean hanging onto some of the more traditional methods of living, or implementing new strategies to ensure that repetitive and consistent movement is still a part of your daily lifestyle. As well as creating a balanced use of some of these modern conveniences.

As we recognise the importance and value of repetitive daily movement we are re-thinking our modern environments. There is considerable effort to promote and encourage physical activity and healthier lifestyles. Initiatives, such as walkable cities, active transportation options, and raising awareness about the benefits of physical activity.

Our environments are starting to change we need to change with them.

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